Marble Stairs Offer Home Benefits
Advantages of Installing Marble Stairs
There are a lot of benefits to owning a home. You get to live in that house and gain equity at the same time. As the homeowner, you also get to do whatever you want to the home along the way. It is your job to maintain the home properly for your family and so you can sell it again someday. You also have the privilege of making improvements whenever you want and can afford to take on such projects. You might have a list floating around of things you want to do at some point or another. Are marble stairs on that list? Perhaps they should be. Here are a few of the advantages they can bring to a home:
Think about the materials you have had or have seen on staircases before. Carpeting wears rather quickly and has to be replaced. Even wood can show wear over time. There are benefits to any material, but one thing you will get with marble that many other materials can’t give you is permanency. This natural stone is dense and highly durable, which is great for a high traffic area like the stairs. It can be used and used and never show the wear and tear that other materials will.
Enhancing the Look of Your Home
You might like the look of marble in other areas of your home, but imagine how elegant and beautiful it would look on the stairs. If you have a staircase that shows, like from the entryway or due to an open railing, you want that staircase to look nice. Marble is one great way to make it shine with beauty. You can choose a material that blends in or stands out. Either way, the marble is a popular choice for enhancing the beauty of any part of a room.
Fire and Water Resistance
Marble is a fire resistant material because of its density and hardness. It is also resistant to water, so spills won’t cause damage. Having a marble staircase keeps your family that much more safe in the event of a fire. With their structural integrity, they make an escape plan safe for anyone in the family.
Low Maintenance Needs
Marble is a durable material that looks great for decades. You will want to make sure the material is properly sealed as needed, but other than that, you won’t have to do anything to it. Stairs can be a real pain to vacuum if you have carpet, or to dust if you have wood. With marble, you don’t have to do much to it to make it look great for the long haul. It’s always nice to be able to cross things off the list instead of adding to it.
Getting Marble Stairs Installed
Marble stairs are unique and elegant. Not just any home has them, making them a stand-out feature. If you are interested in learning more about what they can do for your home, contact the professionals at Impression. We’re here to help you through the process every step of the way. Your home will be left with a beautiful, functional staircase you’ve only ever dreamed of having.