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Top 5 Benefits Of Limestone Flooring

Should You Take Advantage Of Limestone Flooring?

If you’ve ever seen limestone flooring, you know it’s a beautiful option that gives homes the elegance and sophistication that anyone can enjoy. It’s muted tones and variety of styles gives a clean comfort and natural touch. There are a lot of benefits to limestone flooring. While the professionals at Impression can list them all day long, it’s nice for you to be able to see the biggest benefits to using the material in order to decide if it’s right for you and your goals. Here are just the top five benefits of limestone flooring.

Benefit 1: Elegance And Beauty

There’s no getting around the fact that limestone flooring has a timeless beauty to it that is classic and charming. No matter what styles you have going on around it, it will fit in. It has an earthy feel to it that gives a traditional, yet modern flair to the home. You can use any color scheme around it and it will still add value to your house.

Benefit 2: Long-Lasting Durability

Limestone flooring is hard to wear down, which makes it great for high traffic areas. The tiles are also soft to the touch so you don’t have to worry about bare feet being cold and uncomfortable. Even though the stones feel soft to the touch, they are highly durable and retain their structure for years into the future, without showing any wear.

Benefit 3: Cost-Effective Nature

Limestone is a natural material and if you want stone flooring that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg, this is the best option. The elegance appearance will bring your home’s aesthetics to a whole new level without breaking your budget in half.

Benefit 4: Incredible Versatility

Flooring needs to match the home’s style, but natural materials like limestone easily fit in. Limestone comes in a variety of colors and the tiles can come in any shape or size to meet the design of the space with ease. Limestone flooring looks great inside, but it also has a natural appeal in a garden or patio outside as well. With enough styles to go around, limestone flooring can go in the entryway, bathroom, kitchen, patio, or anywhere in-between.

Benefit 5: Easy Maintenance

No one wants to spend a lot of time maintaining a floor. Limestone flooring is great because it resists both bacteria and mold. It doesn’t show dirt very often so you don’t have to clean it very much. Sweep it occasionally and mop it with limestone cleaner every now and then. Make sure you reseal the stone once a year to keep its structural integrity intact.

Get Limestone Flooring Options

These are huge benefits, but these are just five of the reasons homeowners love limestone flooring. To get more benefits or to look into the options for limestone flooring, contact the experts at Impression. We’ll help you see why limestone flooring is the right choice and then we’ll help you find the exact right color, size, and design for your needs.