6 Interesting Uses of Limestone Throughout History
Limestone is One of the Most Popular Stones in the World
Unfortunately, though, many of us don’t know the full extent to which limestone has played a role in our world’s history. From courthouses, to pyramids, to temples, all the way to your home, limestone has shaped architecture in many ways with its natural beauty. Here are six interesting ways that limestone has been used to create architectural and artistic masterpieces throughout history.
1. The Great Sphinx
Remember that mythical creature that appeared to have the body of a lion and a human’s head when you learned about Egypt as a kid? It’s the largest monolith statue in the entire world (over 240 feet long, 63 feet wide, and 66ft tall!) built by the Egyptians over four thousand years ago. What many people don’t know about the Great Sphinx is that it was actually constructed out of limestone: the same stone that is used in interior designs all across the world.
2. The Parthenon
The Ancient Greeks were also quite fond of limestone, incorporating it into many facets of their architecture, most notably, the Parthenon, in which we see early uses of limestone columns, which people are still incorporating all across the world today. Architects used to have to oversee every part of the building process, from planning, to cutting, to construction!
3. The Great Pyramid
The Great Pyramid is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. While the pyramid is not made solely from limestone, (granite and mortar paid a big role too!) for the most part, the Great Pyramid was made up of limestone. The surface “casing stone” is made from highly polished white limestone that had to be carefully cut to give the correct dimensions and precise slant needed to construct the pyramid’s unique design.
4. The Lincoln Memorial
Built in the style of the Greek Temple, the interiors walls and columns of the Lincoln Memorial were constructed from natural Indiana limestone. This incredible monument is made up of many different materials, including marble, granite, and more, but they made a classic choice by incorporating limestone columns which are always an elegant choice.
5. The Empire State Building
One of the tallest, most impressive buildings in the United States, the Empire State Building is constructed mostly from Indiana limestone. This monument is visited by people from all over the world for its fantastic views from the observation deck and history being named after New York’s nickname, “The Empire State”.
6. The Reconstruction of the Pentagon
On September 11, 2011, a hijacked plane crashed into the western side of the massive Pentagon. Showing true American resilience, the reconstruction was made with “The Nation’s Building Stone”, natural Indiana limestone. Since then, it’s been a symbol of the true American toughness to carry on through tragedy.
Limestone is the Nation’s Building Stone
While America likes to say that limestone is their nation’s building stone, the truth is that limestone has been incorporated in some of the greatest designs throughout the entire world. Limestone’s true elegance and timelessness makes it stand out from the rest of the natural stones, allowing it to carve out its place as one of the most important stones in the entire world.